Sleek Edges are Timeless

Several years ago, our marketing team drafted a campaign about the timelessness of sleek edges. While our intent was, of course, to generate further awareness for our EdgeStickTM, we earnestly wanted to make consumers aware of the fact the essence of style is in the fine details. Throughout modern history, hair styling has been an essential element of high fashion, design and luxury, all of which have core elements of style and sophistication that are timeless and still guide our lives today. 

EdgeStick Sleek Styling

" has always had a much simpler focus on finer details that allow a woman to achieve an elegant, ethereal look."

Within all cultures, hairstyles, similar to fashions or trends, are ever changing based on that of fashionable public figures, celebrities, and, more recently, social media influencers. Yet style has always had a much simpler focus on finer details that allow a woman to achieve an elegant, ethereal look. Note that having style does not require you to spend a lot of money. In fact, many elegant women are more materially-restrained than you realize. On the other hand, the complexities and costs of the keeping up with the latest fashions or trends can be daunting.  Fashion historian and blogger, Laura Beltran-Rubio, states that “….fashion is the arbitrary need to change style in order to create social distinctions in status and class. This means that fashion changes in order to make people belonging to higher social rankings show they are able to afford the changes and ‘be fashionable’. Style, on the other hand, is what remains in time….. Style, in other words, is the timeless elegance…….”.

"A flawless, perfect look for any hair style requires one core element: The edges are sleek and smooth."

The same reasoning applies to hairstyles. A flawless, perfect look for any hair style requires one core element: The edges be sleek and smooth. Clutch Magazine expressed this fact more eloquently in a recent article, “Whether you wear your hair natural or relaxed, have a weave or a wig, your edges speak volumes about your hair health, and just how well you maintain your look, period.” This point was made comically clear to me during a recent conversation with my hairstylist friend from the UK. She mentioned that there are women who spend significant money on silky hair extensions to achieve the latest glamorous look, but fall short of it because the untamed edges (“peppercorns” was her comical choice of words) are still visible. As with the women my friend referred to, simply sleeking and smoothing the natural hair edges immediately provides timeless style and elegance to any hairstyle. 

"...trends may change, but sleek styling is timeless."

Whether with the EdgeStick or any of the other alternative healthy edge control products on the market, the choices to achieve sleek edges are all relatively inexpensive considering the positive impact they have on your hairstyle and overall elegance.  So regardless of the hairstyle you are currently rocking, trends may change, but sleek styling is timeless.

Azure Professional

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